
The International Committee of the Red Cross defined the international humanitarian law as: the set of international rules established by treaties or customs, specifically designed to solve humanitarian related problems directly arising from international or non-international armed conflicts. For humanitarian considerations, it limits right of the parties to the conflict to choose methods or means of combat, and protect people and property.

It is one of the branches of public international law, and it is a set of customary and written international rules, that aim at protecting combatants and civilians during armed conflicts, for humanitarian considerations, and to protect funds that have no direct relationship to military operations.

And this law was passed to secure protection for the individual and his rights.


It is a result of the will of states and it was placed in the seventeenth century, specifically in the Geneva Convention that was concluded in 1864, so it is modern. Yet, as for its principles and human values, it goes back to the various cultures and civilizations that prevailed in the past and were emphasized by the divine religions, topped by the true Islam.

This law was called the law of war, since enacting it until the middle of the twentieth century. Later, after the establishment of the United Nations, it was called the law of armed conflict. Then in the late seventies, it was called international humanitarian law and up till now.

The United Arab Emirates has been concerned with this law since its foundation. It was founded on 2/12/1971 and signed the aforementioned agreement on 5/10/1972, six months after its establishment. It also signed the first additional protocol (Concerning the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts), the Second Additional Protocol (Concerning the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts) on 3/9/1983, and Article 90 of the First Additional Protocol on 3/6/1992.

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