

What is Maritime Law?

Maritime law is also known as admiralty law and it governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes.
Maritime law consists of domestic law on any maritime activity and private international law that regulates the relationships between private parties operating or using ships that are ocean- going

How can we help?

At Mohammad Al Najjar Advocates we have one of the best maritime lawyers
in Dubai with deep knowledge in maritime law activities.

Our lawyers always are always keeping a track record of any updates or developments, recent enactments and administrative prerequisites issued for the maritime industry to ensure offering the best advice and representation for our clients.
Dubai city has one of the busiest seaports in the world which increases the demand on maritime trade and by its role increases the demand on lawyers who are proficient in maritime law industry.

Our team of maritime lawyers can help with any issues related to sea transportation, insurance of ships, insurance of goods that re being transported by sea and maritime litigation cases in Dubai and allover UAE. We can also observe agreements locally and internationally to make sure of its compliance to the local and international maritime law.

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