
Administrative deportation:

Administrative deportation from the UAE is the second type of deportation from the UAE, and this type of deportation applies to any foreigner who poses a harm or threat to the public interest of the UAE, even if he has an entry permit, entry visa or residence permit; this order of deportation does not apply against the foreigner only but also may include the members of his family, who depend on him for their living. .

Administrative deportation is not issued for the commission of a felony or a crime, but it is sufficient that the foreigner poses a threat to the national security of the country, or that he engaging in actions that violate public morals or common decency; then administrative deportation is applied to him for the sake of the UAE public interest.

Administrative deportation shall be issued by the chairman of Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship or his representative. The federal authority for identity and nationality (FICA) has the powers and all jurisdictions relating to nationality affairs, passports, the entry and residence of foreigners in the country which based on the text of Article 4 of the Federal Decree Law No.3 of 2017.

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For the text of the legal article click on the following link:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://alnajjarlawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/مرسوم-بقانون-اتحادي-رقم-3-لسنة-2017.pdf” title=”مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 3 لسنة 2017″]


Grace period for deported foreigner:

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FICA) determines the grace period which granted to a foreigner up to a maximum of three months, so that the deported person can settle any interests of his own within the UAE, after providing a bail.


Does administrative deportation include all GCC countries? :

First, let us clarify that the GCC agreement is an Arab regional political, economic, military and security organization made up of six countries and they are: the United Arab Emirates, the kingdom of Bahrain, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, and State of Kuwait.

As for the question :whether the administrative deportation from the United Arab Emirates includes all GCC countries or not, this administrative deportation prevents the foreigner from entering the United Arab Emirates only, meaning that he can enter the rest of the GCC countries except the United Arab Emirates from which the administrative deportation decision was issued, the foreigner is not stopped, for example, at the airport of the GCC countries due to his administrative removal from the United Arab Emirates.

Lifting Deportation:

The administrative deportation order from the UAE can be cancelled by obtaining a special permission from the director general of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FICA), as per Article 28 of Law No. 6 of 1973 on Entry and Residence of Foreigners.

The application for the special permission shall be submitted to the naturalisation and residency administration concerned with receiving the applications for entry permits and visas at the General Directorate of residency and Foreigners Affairs in the concerned emirate, provided that the following application shall be attached:

  1. All data related to residence or previous stays in the country.
  2. All necessary supporting documents relating to this matter
  3. Reasons for administrative deportation from the UAE, and circumstances that justify returning to and allowing entry again, Justifications should be supported with documents and necessary evidence.


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